Monday, December 27, 2010

Integrity is about the small things

To be influencial, the foundation of trust is built upon being someone of integrity. With it comes dignity and respect. If the foundation is laden with weaknesses and shows factors of flaws, then what a soul is trying to build concerning integrity suffers.

Cheryl Biehl stated, "One of the realities of life is that if you cannot trust a person at all points, you cannot truly trust that person at ANY point." Even when a person can hide their lack of integrity for a period of time they will eventually experience failure and whatever influence they have temporarily gained will disappear. Think of integrity as having benefits similar to that of a house's foundation during a big storm. If the foundation is sound, then it will hold up against the raging winds and rising tide. But when there are cracks in the foundation, the stress of the storm deepens the cracks and chips away at the foundation... and eventually the whole house will crumble.

Integrity is a quality every soul needs to possess. It is not determined by circumstances since they can not be responsible for your character. Integriry is not based upon credentials. It comes from who we ARE and not what we accomplish, what title(s) we hold. Integrity is not to be confused with reputation. If you take care of your authenticism nad integrity, your reputation will take care of itself. Your character is made of the small moments of your life. Those times when others relied upon you and you did not let them down. Those times when they needed a soul to encourage them and you filled their expectations fully. What you gained was their trust and you were found to be credible in your character. Commit yourself to building your integrity. Build upon your strengths. Be committed to your friends and be a helper to those who really need you. Do what you should do BEFORE you do what you want to do. Keep focused upon those little things you do as you walk in the path of your character.

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